Our Audit was performed by Paladin Security.

You can see the audit here:


FAQ: There is a high-risk listed as unresolved. Why?

TLDR: The outstanding issue is not relevant.

The issue can be seen on the PDF.

"Issue #03 In case the underlying masterchef has deposit fees, governance could burn all funds by emergency withdrawing and calling earn() over and over again."

That is, if a vault is created for a Masterchef contract that uses deposit fees, the owner of the vault could call "emegency withdrawal" and then deposit again, causing funds to be taxed by the deposit fee %.

We do not have plans to make strategies for any degen Yield Farms that utilize deposit fees.

Therefore, the issue is not relevant.

If we do make a strategy for a deposit-fee degen Yield Farm, we will use a different contract that prevents the above concern.

Thanks for reading this, and taking the time to be careful with your funds.

Last updated